Thursday, January 24, 2019

Organic Food vs Conventional Food

Although organic food has become popular in the last two decades, the whole concept is, in fact, much older. Namely, as Alex Oppenheim Omaha, a graduate of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, with a degree in biological sciences explains, before the Second World War, all fruits and vegetables were organically grown. After the WW II period, the so-called "assistants" of the conventional mode of cultivation were introduced – which are basically synthetic pesticides and chemicals, aimed to destruct weeds, insects and any other undesirable factors. Now so many are confused about this because we are offered fruits and vegetables in completely different ways.

A lot of people aren’t quite sure as to which type of food is better between organic and our regular conventional foods. For some people, regular conventional food is healthier and more beneficial than organic food, while for others, reverse is the case and there are also a handful of people who are indifferent as to which they prefer. Here is what Alex Oppenheim Omaha had to say regarding this dilemma. “If it fits in your lifestyle and you can afford it, focus on organic. Or, at least, whenever possible,  buy organically grown those foods that contain the most pesticides.”

What is the difference between organic and conventional food?

The difference is quite substantial, notes Alex Oppenheim Omaha.  Primarily, it is reflected in the use of natural fertilizer, as opposed to the chemical fertilizer used otherwise. In conventionally grown food, farmers use synthetic herbicides, while organic breeders use preparations that are made of natural ingredients. Therefore, organic methods leave much less residual in nature. For example, the US Department of Agriculture has signed laws regulating the issue of organic food. According to them, the use of pesticides, additives, and emulsifiers added in the processing process such as preservatives, artificial sweeteners, and dyes, or sodium glutamate, which are otherwise contained in the food, is forbidden.

The sale of organic food has increased immensely over the past few years, compared to twenty years ago. In the US alone, the revenue generated in 2011, according to official figures, amounted to $ 29 billion. However, the fact is that this amount makes up just 4.2% of the total sum earned from food sales, states Alex Oppenheim Omaha. Although more and more people buy organic food, it often comes misrepresented because of its high price.

When it comes to price and nutritional value of organic food, many are not so sure if the one justifies the other. Despite skepticism, scientific research confirms that small amounts of pesticides and other chemicals have a negative impact on human health. This should especially address the attention of pregnant women and mothers, given that fetuses and toddlers experience these consequences more serious than adults.

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